Letting Go of Regrets

Cacao Ritual 


Give yourself time to mindfully prepare your cacao. Create a sacred space for yourself where you will not be interrupted. This is time for you to support and nourish yourself. Have a pen and paper or a journal ready. 

When you are drinking your cacao, make sure you are comfortable and begin to focus on your breath, allowing any thoughts you have to arise for you to observe them. 

Write down all the regrets that are holding you back and all the things you have promised yourself and not fulfilled. Give yourself permission to accept what cannot be undone. When we can let go of the past we can move forward more easily.

Now go to flowing water – a river, or stream, even your shower if necessary, and standing by this water (or going into the water) imagine the water cleansing these areas within you, enabling you to start fresh from this moment.

Ask the water to wash away the fear, anxiety and what if's, to give you the strength to follow your heart and live your dreams right now.

Now get rid of the list however you want. You can release it to the water, burn it, shred it, bury it, throw it away. Destroy it in whatever way feels right and good.

Once you have destroyed the list, write a new one with new goals and dreams. Start small so that you can manifest them easily, and start ticking them off as you complete them.

When you have finished the list, close your eyes and see in your imagination your dreams and visions coming true.

Hold each fulfilled vision clearly in your imagination, and feel the sensations that you would feel when your dreams come true; success, happiness, completion, abundance, joy, the list is endless...

Every evening record in your journal any synchronicities, revelations and magical moments that created your manifestation and remember to add in a prayer of gratitude for all the blessings and magic that happened in your day.

Use the power of the Cacao spirit to let go of the past, set your new intentions and inspire you to start again.


Focusing Priorities & Manifesting Dreams


Vision Your Intentions for 2021