cacao ceremony
Whether you are looking for help shifting an emotional blockage, needing to let go of a past experience, dissolve old traumas, echo’s and negative energy, or you simply want to lift your spirits, to feel loved up and blissed out, these ceremonies can provide the focus you need to re-align with who you really are, and get back on track.
— Rebekah Shaman

What is a cacao ceremony?

A Cacao Ceremony gives us sacred space and time for ourselves in a chaotic and stressful world. It is the perfect space to switch off the external noise and take a shamanic journey into ourselves to meet the spirit of Cacao. Once we have met her she give us the answers we are seeking, helps us find clarity, and shows us the next steps that we need to take.

Cacao is a powerful Plant Medicine that helps us to release emotional blockages that no longer serve us, find forgiveness in ourselves and others, and shows us the way forward if we are stuck or afraid of making the necessary life changes in order to move on.

Cacao also enables us to access stuck emotions, conditionings, patterns of behaviour and addictions that are buried deep in the unconscious and release them in safe and nurturing environment.

We drink Cacao in ceremony to reconnect with our deep inner guidance. Using Shamanic journeying, Rebekah expertly guides you to meet the Cacao Spirit  to discover more about yourself, release negative blockages, open your heart, and find peace and clarity. Cacao is not psycho-active and doesn’t take you out of your body. Everyone will experience Cacao differently. It all depends on an individual's extra sensory perception, and how Cacao works with you.

Rebekah has over 12 years experience leading cacao ceremonies and has offered Cacao to 1000’s of people. During this time she has witnessed amazing healing and transformations with this very gentle yet powerful plant medicine.

We use only ceremonial grade Cacao in our ceremonies, it's organically grown and GMO free!

No nasties, just pure, organic 100% Cacao

Our 100% organically grown Cacao is what we call ‘ceremonial grade,’ which means it is of the highest quality both as a food and energetically. Because we pay a fair price to the farmers, and they lovingly grow, nurture and harvest the ancient Amazonian variety of beans that grow naturally on their land, the Cacao can be used in sacred Plant Medicine Ceremony. When used as a Plant Medicine, Cacao works as a powerful heart opener.

Online Cacao Ceremonies

We have taken our Cacao Ceremonies online for the foreseeable future. These ceremonies are designed to help you cope with this time of social exclusion. If you are ready to dive deep into yourself and experience a traditional plant medicine ceremony in a safe and healing space then join us at one of our online Cacao Ceremonies and experience your own transformation.

We do not go into ceremony to talk about God. We go into ceremony to talk with God
— Quanah Parker Comanche