Shake It Out This Spring

This month’s Ritual is a simple on: Cook up your Ritual Cacao, discard the heavy clothing and dance the cobwebs of winter away!


This is the month to shake out the last of those winter cobwebs.

As we reach the peak of Spring, celebrated by the Spring Equinox, we are reminded to find equanimity and balance in an increasingly chaotic world.

This is a powerful time when dreams and visions that have been marinating in the unconscious during the long winter months begin to manifest in the physical world. 

Oestre, the goddess of fertility, is celebrated at this time. Her name is the root of the word Oestrogen, the hormone that stimulates ovulation and female fertility. It is also interesting to note that the Christian festival of Easter (another derivative of Oestre) and its symbols, the Easter Bunny and the Easter egg, evolved from this ancient Celtic festival.

To celebrate the Spring Equinox, take some time out for yourself to just BE, and enjoy the nature awakening around you.

Take off your shoes and socks and walk barefoot, and feel the electro-magnetic energy flowing up the soles of your feet. Have a ‘sunbath,’ and feel the heat of the warming sun on your body.

Appreciate the spring flowers that are now appearing in the fields, take pleasure in the blossom, hug a tree, discard the heavy clothing that has protected you from the cold, and dance the cobwebs of winter away.

As you release the restraints of winter, let go of the sensible adult and run wild like a child. 


Step 1 - Prepare Your Ritual Cacao

Prepare a shamanic dose of 42g for this Dance Ritual, and spring into spring feeling loved up and blissed out.

A Purely Shamanic Recipe

For 1 person - Vegan & Gluten Free


42g Ritual Cacao

250ml Spring Water

Agave, coconut sugar or any other natural sweetener (optional)

Chilli, nutmeg, cinnamon (optional)


  • Finely chop your Ritual Cacao and weigh up 42g.

  • Pour 250ml of spring water into a saucepan and bring to the boil.

  • Once the water is boiling, turn the heat down to a simmer and add your chopped cacao.

  • Stir gently with a wooden spoon or whisk until all the cacao has dissolved fully.

  • Making sure to keep the heat low, so that the cacao never boils. Just gently simmers.

  • You will know when the cacao is ready once it starts to thicken and you see the beautiful cacao butter rise to the top. The longer and slower you take to cook up your cacao, the creamier it will be.

  • Add your choice of sweeteners and/or spices (optional)

  • Pour into your favourite ritual cup and enjoy!

Step 2 - Just Dance

Once you’ve cooked up your Ritual Cacao as you like it, create a playlist of your favourite tunes, and dance!

  • If you feel comfortable dance in front of a mirror. As you dance, Feel the cacao dancing around your body, connecting to all your cells and filling up your heart.

  • If you are unable to dance, then move your arms, hands, and head in time to beat, feel the rhythm.

  • Go out into nature with your headphones and dance barefoot on the earth - a firm favourite of ours at RC HQ!

  • Drop out of your head and into your heart, as you feel the rhythm of the music and the energy of cacao move you.

  • Don’t control the movements. Just let your body express what it needs too with no judgement.

  • Concentrate on the sensations in your body, tune into your heart and focus on your breath, rather than lose yourself in your thoughts. The more you can let the dance, dance you, the easier it is to find clarity afterwards.

  • Find some stillness after the dance to allow any messages to come through from Cacao.


Watch our cooking up video if you’re new to cooking up ceremonial-grade cacao…


Click below for more recipes and ideas…


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