Feeling Fruity This Valentines Day


As Valentine's Day approaches, let's embark on a journey to elevate our senses and deepen our connection with a delicious, fruity twist.

In this months ritual, we'll explore eating different fruit with cacao in a ritual that awakens the senses and sets the stage for an intimate and delightful experience.

The Ritual

Ingredients Needed:

  • Brewed cup of Ritual Cacao

  • Fresh fruit of your choosing (strawberries, raspberries, and mango slices work well)

  • Honey or agave syrup (optional)

  • Whipped cream (optional)


  1. Preparation: Begin by preparing a cup of ceremonial-grade Ritual Cacao. Use this time to focus on the intention of this ritual, what kind of loving would you like to call in this Valentine’s Day? Take the time to connect, indulge, and savour the moment and cooking up process. The smell of cacao when it fills your space is just divine magic : )

  2. Fruit Selection: Choose a selection of fresh, vibrant fruit. Each fruit to represent a different chakra that you feel needs working on, adding a layer of sensuality to the experience. The choice is entirely yours… What’s calling you? You can work on all your chakras if you your are enjoying the ritual, asking for guidance on what each individual chakra needs.

  3. Dipping Delight: Take a piece of fruit, dip it into the warm cacao, and taste the combination of flavours. Let the richness of the cacao blend with the sweetness of the fruit on your palate. While doing this, imagine the fruits natural goodness working on which ever chakra needs attention. If it’s your heart chakra, today’s a beautiful day, or maybe your crown chakra needs some love, perhaps your root chakra is in calling out…? Allow the power of cacao and your own intuition to guide you along this inward journey of love and appreciation of the self.

  4. Sweet Symphony: If your fruit isn’t sweet enough and you’re looking for a little extra, drizzle honey or agave syrup over the fruits and cacao, creating a sweet symphony for your taste buds.

  5. Indulge Together: Share this indulgent experience on your own and enjoy some ME! time, or with your partner or loved ones. As you experience each bite, communicate your feelings and intentions, fostering a deeper connection and planting seeds for what you need and want.

This Valentine's Day, let the combination of cacao and natures fruit be the catalyst for a memorable and intimate celebration of love… You never know where it will take you.

Oh my!

Happy Valentine’s Day