Feel It Out Ritual for the Holidays
The holiday season is a time for connection and introspection, and Ritual Cacao is your perfect ally for tuning into what your heart truly needs. Whether you’re seeking stillness, creativity, movement, or rest, this ritual invites you to connect with your cacao and intuitively feel out what’s best for you in the moment.
Step 1: Create Your Sacred Brew
Begin by preparing your Ritual Cacao with intention. As you measure, stir, and heat your cacao, treat this process as a mindful meditation. Slow down and engage your senses: feel the texture of the cacao as you chop it, listen to the sounds, and inhale its rich, grounding aroma.
As the cacao melts into your brew, take a moment to connect with your heart. You might gently place your hand on your chest and ask yourself:
What do I feel like doing right now?
What does my heart need today?
You can even talk and sing to the brew as it simmers, thanking it for its support and inviting it to guide you.
Step 2: Tune Into Your Heart
Once your Ritual Cacao is ready, pour it into your favourite ritual cup and hold it close. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and let your heart lead the way. Let the answer come naturally, without judgement. What calls to you?
Pause and Reflect: Perhaps you need stillness—time to meditate, breathe, or journal.
Get Creative: If inspiration strikes, grab your art supplies, write, draw, paint or try something new.
Move Your Body: Feel the urge to move? Dance freely, do yoga, or simply stretch.
Connect with Nature: Step outside to ground yourself in the beauty of the natural world.
Hibernate and Rest: Snuggle up indoors with a blanket, a book, or a nap.
Step 3: Follow Your Desire
Allow yourself to follow whatever your heart desires, knowing that Ritual Cacao is your friend throughout the process. Whether you’re creating, moving, or resting, cacao will support and enhance your experience.
Step 4: Close with Gratitude
As your ritual comes to an end, take a few moments to reflect on the experience. Return to your cacao for a final sip, allowing its warmth and richness to ground you once more. Sit quietly and think about what you’ve gained or released during this time.
If you paused to reflect, consider journaling a few thoughts about how you feel now. If you created something, take a moment to appreciate your work and the act of expressing yourself. If you moved your body, notice how it feels - lighter, more energised, or free of tension. If you connected with nature, bring that sense of peace and vitality back with you indoors.
Hold your cup close, and as you take your last sip, express gratitude:
For the cacao that supported you.
For your intuition and heart that guided you.
For carving out this sacred moment of self-care amidst the busyness of the holidays.
You might also take this time to set a small intention to carry forward into your day, week, or even the new year, something simple and meaningful to you.
Finally, rinse your mug and take a deep breath, knowing you’ve honoured yourself in a deeply nourishing way.
By incorporating Ritual Cacao into your holiday rhythm, you’re nurturing your body, mind, and spirit. This season, let your ritual be guided by what your heart truly needs.