Ritual For Your Inner Child

August is the month for summer holidays in the northern hemisphere, and even if you’re not heading away this year we hope you’ll have a chance to break from your usual routine, get some rest and spend some time enjoying creativity and play.

Playing and creating are important parts of life which nourish us deeply, yet all too often we get stuck in ‘thinking mode’ and can forget or feel too busy to use these other sides of ourselves.

In this ritual, we encourage you to set aside a full hour – or as much time as you like – to connect with your inner child and simply allow yourself to play.

Seeing the world through the eyes of a child can help us reconnect to beauty and simplicity and enable us to view things from new perspectives, so this is a great ritual to do as often as you like – but especially when you feel stuck. It’s also a great one to do with kids over the holidays.

What you’ll need 

·      A notepad and crayons, coloured pencils or paints

·      A mug of our ceremonial grade Ritual Cacao

·      An hour or more of uninterrupted ‘you time’


The Ritual

·      Set up your play space and brew your cacao – there’s a short video here if you don’t know how. Make it as fun and comfortable as you can, with plenty of blankets, cushions and anything else to inspire and nourish your inner child: we’re thinking glitter, crystals, unicorns… you could even put on a colour-clash outfit that you wouldn’t normally be seen dead in :)

·      When you’re ready, set an intention to connect with your inner child and listen to any messages it may have for you.

·      You can then drink your cacao meditatively, ensuring you have your notepad nearby for any messages or guidance that starts flowing in.

·      Lie down and turn your attention towards your inner space. At your own pace, take some deep breaths and start tuning into the sensations inside your body.

·      Now try to let go of your ‘adult self’ and start connecting with your inner child: try to remember what you used to like doing, wearing and eating as a kid. Recall your childhood friends and your favourite colours and places.  

·      When you feel connected, you can then ask your inner child some or all of the following questions:

o   What do I most need in my life right now?

o   How can I cultivate more joy?

o   How can I bring more colour and beauty into my life?

o   How can I feel more safe and secure?

o   What one thing does my inner child want me to take away from this experience?

·      When you’re ready, come back to your outer space and give yourself plenty of time to draw or paint whatever messages you received. We recommend putting on some music for this part and dancing with your inner child too if that feels good!

·      When you feel complete, thank your inner child and if you can, offer yourself a treat – whether that be an ice cream in the park, a bike ride, blowing bubbles, a new hair scrunchie, some more creative time or whatever you enjoyed doing as a child.

·      We fully encourage you to carry a crystal or wear glitter on a daily basis to help you continue connecting with your inner child!



Crystal Dreaming Ritual


Summer Earthing Ritual