Crystal Dreaming Ritual

September is here and in the northern hemisphere, we’re moving towards the darker months of the year which will culminate at winter solstice on 21 December.

The next few months are an ideal time for inner reflection and dreaming, as we look back on all we have achieved so far this year and look forward to all we want to create in 2023.

Just as farmers and gardeners plant their seeds in dark soil, this crystal dreaming ritual enables you to plant your dreams and intentions in the dark months of the year so they can flourish and blossom forth next spring.


What you’ll need

·      A mug of ceremonial-grade Ritual Cacao – there’s a short video on how to prepare it here.

·      Four crystals to represent mind, body, soul and creativity. If you don’t have crystals, you can use beautiful stones, shells or other objects found in nature.

·      Your journal or notepad and drawing materials to record your dreams and intentions.

When to do it

We recommend doing this ritual on, or as close to the autumn Equinox as possible. In the UK, the Equinox will be exact on Friday 23 September at 2:03am. Whenever you plan your ritual, ensure it takes place at a time when you feel relaxed, unhurried and won’t be interrupted.

What to do

·      We recommend cleansing your crystals or stones before starting your ritual. Gently wash them in spring water or smudge them with sage or incense smoke.

·      Set up your sacred ceremonial space by lighting some candles, burning some incense or essential oils and taking some time to connect to your breath and body.

·      When you feel calm and centred, slowly drink your cacao.

·      Gently hold each crystal in turn and for each one, visualise a wish, dream, intention or action for yourself or someone else that you’d like to bring to life over the next few months. 

·      Write or draw each wish or dream in your journal so you can return to them later.

·      Once you’ve placed an intention into each crystal or stone, put them on your altar or somewhere you’ll see them daily so you’ll be reminded to keep visualising your dreams and adding energy to them.

·      Over the coming weeks and months, you can place a particular crystal under your pillow or in your bath whenever you want to focus on that intention and amplify the energy.

·      For added potency, you can perform this ritual again on the new moon on 25 September, and then again on the winter solstice on 21 December.

·      Keep working towards your dreams and intentions, and wait and see what comes to life next spring!

Wishing you all beautiful dreaming and intention setting.

Rebekah and the Ritual Cacao team x


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