Summer Earthing Ritual


Summer is here and there’s lots to look forward to – from long forest walks to trips to the beach. Yet summer is the highest energetic time of year and with the sun at its most potent, it can also be busy, frenetic and even leave us feeling burned out.

In this calming earthing ritual, you’ll be sinking your feet into the cool summer grass to bring balance, feel more grounded, and release any fears or anxieties into the earth.

You can do this ritual as often as you like, alone or with others…

·      Prepare a flask or travel mug of Ritual Cacao – if you’ve never done this before, there’s a short video here. You may also wish to take your journal.

·      Give yourself at least an hour of free, unstructured time at a secluded grassy spot in nature.

·      Take off your shoes and socks. As you do this, try to imagine taking off any fears or anxieties and leaving them to one side for the next hour. If your thoughts keep looping back to worries, try to notice this happening and bring your attention back to the present and the physical sensations within your body.

·      Take some time to walk barefoot slowly through the grass, feeling its texture and noticing its colour. You can drink your cacao now too.

·      When you are ready, come to a standstill. Close your eyes and take some slow, deep breaths, imagining the exhale passing through the soles of your feet and into the earth below you.

·      Keep breathing deeply in this way for as long as feels good, consciously releasing any stress, tension, fear and anxiety through your feet and into the grass.

·      When you feel calm and clear, gently change your focus to the inhale, imagining the grass growing through the soles of your feet and drawing its soothing energy up until your whole body vibrates with bright green light. 

·      Continue with this breath for as long as feels good, then slowly open your eyes and come back to your surroundings.

·      When you’re complete, take some time to sit on the grass and relax. See if you received any messages or guidance from the cacao and record them in your journal.

·      Before you leave, take a moment to thank the earth for her love and healing, remembering you can always return to her any time you need this summer.