Forgive Yourself

Earth is passing through the photon belt, so there is more light pouring onto the planet and awakening us to a new understanding of who we are. When we tune in to the power of our existence, and open up to receive the energy of the cosmos, we can feel unlimitless potential and possibility flowing through us.

Once you have prepared your Cacao, go outside and bathe in the moonlight. Connect and feel the energy of the silvery rays flowing through your body. Close your eyes and allow yourself to merge with this powerful energy. Feel yourself expanding from this planet into the cosmos and beyond, knowing you are a divine being of light, and an essential part of this amazing, wonderful Universe.

Acknowledge any regrets that may be surfacing over this period, and find the gratitude for all the things that have happened to lead you to where you are now. 

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Forgive yourself for anything that is holding you back and make a commitment to let go of the past. If you are needing some help and support set the intention to find the right healer for you so you can be free to move forward once and for all. 

We all have unique skills and gifts that can benefit humanity and now is the time to recognise what yours are, and share them with others. Ask Cacao if she has a message for you to help you on your journey. If you are feeling lost or confused set the intention to find and connect with those who can help and inspire you to discover your passion and purpose

Commit yourself to this resolution, and allow yourself the space and time for it to take root by taking positive action every day to create a brighter future.


Bring it to the Surface


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