Bring it to the Surface

This exercise is about bringing things to the surface where they can be more easily dealt with.

Find some time in your busy day to be quiet and peaceful. Once you have cooked your Cacao, create a sacred space for the ritual.

Have a notebook or paper and pen handy, light a candle, and sit comfortably on the floor, or outside in nature, feeling yourself grounded on Mother Earth. Breathe deeply three times and, as you exhale, breathe out any stress and tension you may be holding in your body. When you are ready, begin drinking your Cacao.

Now close your eyes and focus on your breath. Slowly become aware of the sounds around you.  Bring yourself gently back to the present if you feel your mind keeps wandering. Everything can wait – this is time for you. Calmly begin to list all the things that need to be done. Just allow them to flow out without getting attached or stressed about how or when you will do them.

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When you feel the process is complete, gently return your consciousness to the outside world, open your eyes, and write down the things that arose, however small or mundane. The most seemingly unimportant tasks, (like making a phone call) can often take a huge weight off our minds.

Once you have a list, prioritize each task, not only rationally, but with a sense of its value to who you are. As you concentrate on each item, imagine and feel the sensation as if it is already completed in your mind's eye. 

When you have finished your Cacao , put the list in an accessible place, and strike each task off as they are completed. When we get out of our own way, trust our inner flow and believe we can complete all the tasks, however challenging, the quicker we fulfill them.

Don't allow the negative critic or limiting thoughts interfere with the process. Trust that you will effortlessly find the space and time to do what needs to be done.

Take up a new hobby, exercise, or diet that will help you feel more connected to your body.

Finally, this is the perfect time to perform random acts of kindness and senseless acts of love to family, friends and strangers. You don't need to do anything specific, just keep your eyes open for the opportunity to support or help others, however small, and you will find your life will be richer and more rewarding for it.