Easy Summer Chai Cacao


This is our traditional ceremonial-grade cacao recipe, but with a delicious twist. By infusing the water with a delicious chai tea, this classic recipe takes on a new dimension.

You can experiment with this method by using different flavours, such as peppermint or a fruity berry and come up with your own concoctions. It’s perfect for summer days and sharing with friends or family.

How much cacao to drink?

When getting to know ceremonial-grade cacao, our best advice is that you experiment! And figure out what feels right for you.

We recommend the following as a guide:


If drinking cacao daily, a dose of anywhere from 10g to a maximum 25g.


If you are journeying with cacao, 42g is a shamanic dose.


For 1 person - Vegan & Gluten Free


25g Ritual Cacao

1 Chai Tea Bag

250ml Spring Water


  • Finely chop your Ritual Cacao or break off a petal if you are using our pods.

  • Weigh up your desired amount of cacao.

  • Pour the spring water into a saucepan and bring to the boil.

  • Once the water is boiling, turn off the heat and add your tea chai tea bag. Leave for a few minutes and allow the tea to infuse with the water.

  • Once the chai tea water is ready, turn the heat back on to a very low flame, and add your chopped, weighed cacao or simply add your cacao petal to the saucepan.

  • Stir gently with a wooden spoon or whisk until all the cacao has dissolved fully.

  • Making sure to keep the heat low, so that the cacao never boils. Just gently simmers.

  • You will know when the cacao is ready once it starts to thicken and you see the beautiful cacao butter rise to the top. The longer and slower you take to cook up your cacao, the creamier it will be.

  • Pour into your favourite Ritual Cup, add a dash or two of your favourite milk.

  • Enjoy!

Check out Brew Tea Co. for a range of amazing looking teas if you’re looking for ideas or need somewhere to get your chai tea bags.

p.s. this is not an AD :) we just are just happy to give a shout out to a independent business doing their thing well.