Standing In Your Power


Create a sacred and comfortable space where you will be undisturbed, and mindfully brew up your cacao… 

  • Sit in the quiet room you have chosen – be patient and wait until you have completed all your tasks for the day and you are fully ready to give the time to yourself.

  • Sit in a comfortable position - with your back straight if possible. Close your eyes and become aware of your body. Connect with your toes, legs, thighs, torso, arms, neck, face and then the crown.

  • Exhale all your stresses and release all your frustrations, just breathe them right out your body. Repeat this process three times.

  • With your eyes still closed imagine that a powerful flame of acceptance and love for who you are and what you are doing is burning bright and strong deeply at your core, just above the navel. This is the solar plexus chakra, the seat of your gut instinct, your confidence, and your self-worth.

  • Feel its heat and golden light spreading around your body. Let the flame consume you. Experience it burning away the inner critic and false beliefs that prevent you from expressing your truth and being in your true power. 

  • In this quiet space, ask your intuition what you can do to get out of your own way and create the reality you desire. Visualise your visions and dreams manifesting one by one and feel the elation as if you are already living them.

  • Continue to feel this flame flowing around your body until you are completely consumed by it and accept/feel/know that you are worth it and your dreams are coming true.

If you are looking for romance, want to spice up an existing relationship, or you would like to be intimate with someone special, imagine them next to you and feel the loving, passionate energy you feel flowing to them. Envelope them in your loving embrace and see them acknowledging and responding to your energy and returning it to you. Express either in words or energetically how you are feeling towards them. Don’t hold back your true feelings as this is a wonderful way to release pent-up energy. Sometimes you may also receive an answer from them, or the vision may get sexual – just trust your intuitive voice that is coming from deep within and don’t block the flow. This visualisation exercise is very potent so be careful who you choose ;)!!


New Year, New You Ritual For January


Focusing Priorities & Manifesting Dreams