Samhain Shadow Work with Ritual Cacao


Samhain marks the turning point of the year, when the nights grow longer, and the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. This sacred time honours our ancestors, our roots, and reminds us where we have come from. It is a powerful opportunity to delve deep into the shadows within ourselves, where huge growth and healing can occur.

This month’s Cacao Ritual will guide you to embrace your shadow and release what is no longer serving you. It will help strengthen your sense of self, and call on the  wisdom of your ancestors to guide you.

What You'll Need:

  • A quiet indoor or outdoor space

  • A candle and matches/lighter

  • A journal and pen

  • A cup of Ritual Cacao and your favorite ceremonial mug

  • Optional: a tarot or oracle deck, crystals for grounding (like obsidian or smoky quartz)


Before you begin, create a small altar or sacred space where you’ll perform the ritual. Place your candle in the center, surrounded by any objects that represent protection, guidance, and ancestral connection (photos, crystals, mementos). As you set the space, think of this as a portal where shadow meets light, and where the transformation can happen.

Brewing Your Ritual Cacao:

Prepare your cup of Ritual Cacao with mindful intention. As you brew, invite thoughts of the darker aspects of yourself that you tend to avoid; fears, insecurities, and old wounds. Let this preparation become an act of bringing these shadows into the light.

Lighting the Candle:

As you light the candle, invite the energy of Samhain, and your ancestors, illuminate your inner darkness. This flame symbolises the light that exists even in the darkest times, showing you the way through any challenges or fears.

Sip and Reflect:

Sit in front of your altar with your cacao. As you take your first sip, feel the warmth of Cacao spreading through your body like a warm hug. Sit in silence for a few moments, feeling the cacao flow around your body and fill up your heart.

With each sip, reflect on situations that you may have been avoiding, or emotions that you have been supressing. These could be fears, past traumas, or habits that no longer serve you. Samhain is the perfect time to acknowledge them and begin the process of release and healing.

Shadow Work Journaling:

Now, take out your journal and begin to write about your shadow. You can use these prompts to guide you:

  • What fears have been holding me back?

  • What part of myself have I been reluctant to accept?

  • How can I transform my shadows into sources of strength?

Write without judgment or hesitation, allowing the truth of your shadow self to emerge on the page.

Ancestor Invocation:

When you’re ready, call on your ancestors for guidance. Speak their names aloud or invite their presence in silence. You may want to ask:

  • What wisdom can you share with me in this moment of transformation?

  • How did you overcome challenges in your life?

  • What strength or knowledge have I inherited from you?

Feel their presence supporting you as you journey through your shadow work.

Releasing and Integration:

After your reflections, take a moment to identify one aspect of your shadow that you are ready to release. Visualize yourself letting go of this fear, habit, or limitation, and imagine it dissolving in the light of the candle.

If you have a tarot or oracle deck, draw a card as a message from your ancestors, or the universe, about how to integrate this new awareness into your life.


As the candle burns low, take a final sip of your Ritual Cacao, offering gratitude to your ancestors, to the darkness, and to the lessons you’ve learned through this journey. Blow out the candle, knowing that even though the flame has dimmed, the light within you shines stronger.

With this, your Samhain Shadow Work and Cacao Ritual is complete. Take action on the insights and healing, as the wheel of the year turns, and you will see your life change.


If you prefer to be guided along the way, Our Connecting to the Ancestors MP3 Shamanic Journey is perfect to connect to your ancestors and loved ones who have passed on, and hear the messages they have for you.

This powerful guided visualisation was recorded live by Rebekah Shaman


Focus Into Yourself Ritual


Autumn Equinox Cacao Fertility Ritual