Galactic Centre Ritual

This ritual is to connect with the Galactic Centre so that we can send our love and harmony across the planet and envision a new reality…

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Creating a quiet, sacred space strengthens the ritual and makes it more powerful. Turn off your phone, light some candles and incense, and make a safe, comfortable and sacred space. Once you have cooked your Cacao, sit and enjoy a moment in your space. When you are ready, begin drinking your Cacao.

Sit in a relaxed position, or lie down, whatever you feel most comfortable, and just give yourself five minutes to become aware of where you are and the sensations flowing around your body.  Consciously imagine your body relaxing from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. 

Breathe deeply three times. As you breathe in imagine yourself breathing in all the frustrations and worries you are feeling. As you breathe out, release them and imagine them leaving your body.

Once you are in a deeply relaxed state imagine floating up out of your body and into the night sky beyond our Earth, the Moon and the Sun to the centre of the galaxy. There you find the central Galactic Sun that is overseeing our Solar System, and as you get closer you can feel the vibration of Warmth, Wisdom and Love flowing into you.


Imagine the golden white light energy of the Galactic Sun entering into your body, into your physical body and flowing straight down into the core of Mother Earth and then disseminating out across our planet, healing any virus, sickness, unrest, fear, negative energy and injustice.

Now visualize white, pink, blue and golden light healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.

Connect with this energy and allow it to flow freely around your body.

While you are in this energy see if there any messages coming through to you from the Galactic Centre or you can ask the Galactic Sun for an answer to a question, or for guidance.


Now take a pen and paper and just start writing – don't let the mind take control, just allow the pen to write and your inner most thoughts to come out. 

Automatic writing takes us out of the rational mind and into the heart. It is a liberating exercise as we are able to communicate and express our deepest thoughts and desires without judgment from our inner critic and disbeliever.
Let the answers flow through you, or just enjoy the energetic upgrade!


Finding Forgiveness Ritual


Shake Out The Winter Energy Ritual