Embracing the Beauty of Natural Cacao Bloom


Imagine unwrapping one of our Ritual Cacao Bars or Pods, only to find it’s covered with white markings. At first glance, it might appear as though our beloved cacao has seen better days, with its whitish film adorning its surface. However, delve deeper, and you'll uncover the story of cacao bloom, a process that impacts appearance while leaving the essence of ceremonial-grade cacao untouched.

Cacao bloom is a natural occurrence with cacao, and sometimes unavoidable.  Read our blog to discover everything you need to know about cacao bloom…

What is cacao bloom?

In the world of cacao and chocolate, there exists something known as cacao bloom. Natural cacao bloom is an interesting phenomenon that actually enhances the character of chocolate in many ways, despite its initial appearance.


Why does cacao bloom happen?

Cacao bloom happens due to the separation of cacao butter or sugar from the cacao liquor, causing it to rise to the surface and crystallise. There are two types of bloom:

·    Fat bloom, caused by changes in temperature, and

·    Sugar bloom, due to moisture exposure.

While it might seem like a flaw, cacao bloom is a testament to the purity and authenticity of the ceremonial-grade cacao.

Does cacao bloom impact the taste of ceremonial-grade cacao?

One of the most remarkable aspects of cacao bloom is that it does not alter the taste of chocolate. Despite its altered appearance, the rich, delicious flavours, smooth texture and medicinal properties remain intact, promising that wellbeing remedy with every sip.

Why is it rare to find bloom in commercial chocolate?

Commercial chocolate very rarely shows signs of bloom due to the extensive measures taken by large-scale manufacturers. These companies employ processing techniques, carefully controlling factors such as temperature and humidity. Moreover, they incorporate stabilising additives like emulsifiers and fats into their recipes to prevent bloom formation. Additionally, most commercial processes involve removing natural cacao butter, further reducing the likelihood of bloom occurrence, stripping the bean of its natural essence and goodness.

Perfectly imperfect!

Cacao bloom serves as a reminder of cacao’s organic origins. It is a natural process that highlights the authenticity of ceremonial-grade cacao, embracing the imperfections that make each Ritual Cacao bar and pod truly unique.

In a world dominated by mass-produced confectionary, cacao bloom celebrates the pure and natural, and the intrinsic beauty of nature's handiwork.

The next time you encounter cacao with cacao bloom, accept the imperfection, as a natural part of nature, knowing that the cacao you are consuming is still delicious and heart-opening.

If you’re not fussed by a bit of bloom then try our Perfectly Imperfect Range of Bars and Pods.


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