The Art of Ritual


Today, in our disconnected world, we are seeing a return to Ritual as a way of restoring balance, purpose and meaning to our lives. 

Let Ritual Cacao, with its mind and heart opening qualities help you to create your own personal daily Ritual, so you can find regular connection to yourself, Nature, and feeelings of bliss in this stressful modern culture.   

What is Ritual?

Rituals are a series of consistent, meaningful actions that help us feel more connected to a presence greater than ourselves (God/Universe/Divine Being etc). Modern day Rituals may look different from those of our ancestors, but the purpose is the same.

Rituals give a sense of comfort, peace, and connection to ourselves, our environment, and our communities, and help us feel more in control in a chaotic and often brutal world.

Rituals come in many forms, from lighting a candle honouring sacred moments, to intricate ceremonies with rites, symbols, and words.

It can be a morning meditation, physical practice, or simply drinking a daily dose of Ritual Cacao, and sitting in silent contemplation to prepare for the day.

Incorporating sacred Ritual into our lives, is a potent way to connect with our past, and create meaning in our present. Its power lies in its ability to transform, to realign us back to our true nature.

Why We Need Ritual?

Throughout history, Ritual has played an important role within spiritual and cultural practices, providing a space for contemplation and focus to reflect on our values and innermost desires.

Rituals guide us to feel connected to something bigger than ourselves. It promotes well-being, gives purpose and offers comfort and stability in our hectic society.

A consistent practice cultivates gratitude and deepens our connection with the divine, presenting us with new possibilities. When practiced mindfully and intentionally, Ritual becomes an innate source of wisdom and guidance, a powerful tool for transformation that provides positive support through life’s journey.

The Power of Ritual Cacao

Cacao was used by ancient cultures and handed down through the indigenous tribes, in their Rituals and Ceremonies as a sacred medicine and a conduit to receive wisdom from the spirit world.

There are many studies that show the benefits of ceremonial-grade Cacao. It is full of powerful properties, beneficial compounds such as theobromine that opens blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, increases concentration, mood and cognitive processing and is anti inflammatory.

Cacao also stimulates neurotransmitters, the ‘bliss’ molecules, serotonin, dopamine, anandamide,  and phenylethylamine, increasing focus and clarity of thought, and facilitates a deeper sense of connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Consuming ceremonial-grade Ritual Cacao daily, as part of a Ritual practice raises our energetic vibration, opens our hearts and gives us a sense of purpose, focus and connection with divine guidance.

Replace your morning coffee with Ritual Cacao, and immediately start seeing the benefits from its medicinal power.

How to create a daily Ritual with Cacao :

Set aside 15-20 mins a day to set an intention for the day.

  • Prepare your Ritual Cacao mindfully, focus on yourself, how you are feeling, what you want to achieve from the day.

  • Clear your mind of any anxiety or worries, so that you can hear your inner guidance, inspiration, and clarity.

  • When drinking your cup of cacao, reflect on the daily blessings in your life, the love that is around you, and all the things that make you feel grateful.

  • Feel the cacao flowing around your body, opening up your heart so that you can receive what you are needing for the day.

  • Imagine any challenges and obstacles effortlessly falling away.

  • After drinking a cup of Ritual Cacao, spend mindful time in nature, walk barefoot, hug a tree to feel grounded, focused and expand your energy.

The art of the ritual is making a comeback in modern culture!
— Ritual Cacao

Opening Your Heart With Ritual Cacao


February - A Heartfelt Month