February - A Heartfelt Month


After an extra long January that had an unusual five Mondays, spring is just around the corner, heralded by Imbolc on the 1st February. As the days get longer and warmer and we can start seeing the first brave spring flowers growing out of the cold ground, we are reminded that life is stirring after the long winter months.

The Roman’s used the month of February to purify their houses and outhouses, so use this month to spring clean your house, and declutter your inner and outer space. The more prepared and organised you are for the March Equinox, the easier it will be to see the opportunities and possibilities can open up during this time.

This month also contains Valentine’s Day, and here at Ritual Cacao our aim is to help you feel more loved up and blissed out!

Healthy Heart = Healthy Human

When we drink ceremonial-grade cacao on a daily basis we are supporting our hearts, both physically and spiritually.

Heart disease is the biggest killer in the world, and this is because it is more than just a physical organ. The heart is the part of us that generates the most energy, therefore the amount and nature of our spiritual energy is directly related to the health and function of our heart.

The heart isn’t just an essential part of our physical body, it’s a central element of our spiritual lives and our connection to the mystic plane. In Sanskrit the heart chakra, Anahata, means the core of love for ourselves and love for others - it’s the seat of love, compassion and joy.

The Sanskrit word ‘Anand’ means bliss, and it’s no surprise that this was the word used to name the recently recognised chemical compound ‘Anandamide,’ a main compound in cacao that helps us to feel loved up and blissed out.

It’s is also no accident that the heart is one of the first organs to develop. It is essential to our physical wellbeing, our mental equilibrium, our emotional resilience, and our spiritual growth. The heart, above all, is about balance.

There are three chakras below the heart, that link us to the earth while the three chakras above it link us to the world of the spirit - and the heart chakra is the bond between those two parts of human existence.

Our hearts allow us to send and receive protection and stability frequencies from the Earth, and to tap into the higher frequencies of spiritual existence. Looking after our heart health not only keeps us alive and thriving, it also maintains our balance in the physical world.

Happy hearts create happy lives

There’s also plenty of scientific evidence that Cacao is physically good for our hearts.

Cacao provides an instant boost to our heart. It cuts the risk of heart disease and stroke as a result of cacao’s rich theobromine content, which dilates blood vessels and boosts the workings of the heart.

It’s cardiovascular benefits, from its rich flavonoid content, also includes reducing cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood clotting, coronary artery function, and insulin sensitivity.

It also releases the naturally occurring chemicals phenylethylamine, which in turn helps our bodies create serotonin and dopamine, the ‘feel good’ hormones.

Here at Ritual Cacao we love the fact that ‘sharing is caring,’ especially because ceremonial-grade Cacao and sharing have also both been scientifically proven to be good for our wellbeing.

To help you share the love this month, enjoy our Special February Offer, a Ritual Cacao Bar for you, and share one with a friend too, to feel doubly loved up and blissed out this February!


The Art of Ritual


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