• This 21 Day Cacao Challenge is a great opportunity to begin, or restart a daily practice, and create sacred space and time for yourself every day to connect with cacao, open your heart, and learn more about this powerful plant medicine

    Explore the benefits of ceremonial-grade cacao, while learning about how this powerful plant medicine can support your mental and physical health and wellbeing.

    1. 500g ceremonial-grade cacao liquor/paste (not powder)

    2. A special cup/mug

    3. Scales to weigh your cacao

    4. A pot for preparing

    5. A wooden spoon

    6. Notebook & pen

  • We suggest you drink your cacao at the same time every day to make it a daily ritual and practise.

    We recommend:

    40grams for the Opening and Closing Cacao ceremonies

    21 x 20grams daily doses

  • For the challenge you will need

    20gms of Cacao Liquor, and

    175-200 ml of water per person (depending on personal preference).

    Bring water to the boil. Once it is boiling turn the water to a simmer, let it rest and add the cacao. Stir until the cacao dissolves, and the mixture has thickened.

    We recommend experimenting with your cacao, and nurture your own relationship with this delicious plant medicine.

    How To Prepare Your Daily Dose Of Cacao?

    Check out and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more help on cooking up and preparing your Cacao!

  • We suggest boiling the water first and then turning it right down to simmer so you don’t overcook or boil the cacao.

  • Yes! Cacao is fine to drink first thing in the morning. We suggest drinking the Cacao on an empty stomach and then having your normal breakfast, or you can replace your breakfast with your Cacao, whichever is more suitable for you!

  • We advise you to stick to the Challenge guidelines of 20gms Cacao a day!

    42gms Cacao a day could lead to adrenal fatigue, and is dehydrating, it also works as a powerful diuretic, so please stick to the challenge guidelines.

  • Of course, add whatever you like. Everyone will drink their cacao differently. Popular spices are cardamom, ginger, cayenne pepper, ingestible essential oils, cinnamon, and natural sweetener if needed.

  • If you have a migraine it’s best to avoid all stimulants, and drink lots of water. You could try having a little bit of Cacao - about 10gms, but follow your intuition! Your body will tell you if it wants Cacao or not. Still do the daily exercises and continue the challenge, even if you don’t digest her!

  • Our advice is to avoid any drink that is a stimulant, that includes decaf coffees and teas.

  • Ideally, we suggest you make this Cacao Challenge part of your daily practice. Take your time to prepare your Cacao with a sense of ritual and reverence, and to send your intentions, as it’s cooking. But if microwaving is the only option then that's fine.

  • No! As long as it’s melted it’s good to drink! The more you cook Cacao , the easier it will be to know when it’s ready to drink! It’s a personal preference. Find out how you love to consume it, and then cook it up to your taste!

  • A Cacao Ceremony gives us sacred space and time for ourselves in a chaotic and stressful world. It is the perfect space to switch off the external noise and take a shamanic journey into ourselves to meet the spirit of Cacao. Once we have met her she gives us the answers we are seeking, helps us find clarity, and shows us the next steps that we need to take. 

  • Cacao is a powerful Plant Medicine that helps us to release emotional blockages that no longer serve us, find forgiveness in ourselves and others, and shows us the way forward if we are stuck or afraid of making the necessary life changes in order to move on.

    Cacao also enables us to access stuck emotions, conditionings, patterns of behaviour and addictions that are buried deep in the unconscious and release them in a safe and nurturing environment.

  • Our 100% organically-grown, wild harvested and non-gmo Cacao is what we call ‘ceremonial grade,’ which means it is of the highest quality both as a food and energetically. Because we pay a fair price to the tribes, and they lovingly grow, nurture and harvest the ancient Amazonian variety of Criollo and Fino de Aroma beans that grow naturally on their land, the Cacao can be used in sacred Plant Medicine Ceremony. When used as a Plant Medicine, Cacao works as a powerful heart opener.

  • Tsatsayaku is made up of 140 Kichwa and mestizo families from 13 different communities, and its mission is to produce and conserve ancestral cacao (Arriba Nacional / Fino de Aroma) that provides a fair price for its members. The Cacao itself is grown in the traditional Kichwa farming method ‘Chakra’, which has a conscientious respect for the natural environment. The organic approach seeks to preserve biodiversity and natural resources.

  • Asháninka land is in the rainforests of the lower Amazon basin in Peru. The Asháninka are known historically to be fiercely independent. They are striving to keep their cultural and environmental heritage despite pressure from the modernisation of the outside world. They live a lifestyle of subsistence but the forest they live in is under threat,particularly from illegal logging, palm oil production, and Coca growing for cocaine production.

    Cacao is a vital crop for the Asháninka because it is best operated within a co-operative, which is perfect for the communal living of the tribe, provides protection of their land, they can promote organic and traditional farming methods and is a cash crop so that they can maintain their economic independence and sovereignty.

  • Our Cacao keeps for a year when stored in a cool dark cupboard (but airtight) and much longer if stored in a freezer.

  • Read this blog to find out more…