Igniting Your Inner Radiance With Cacao

The Summer Solstice is a time of radiant light and transformative energy that offers a perfect opportunity to embark on a Ritual that celebrates the sun's power, and nurtures our own inner radiance.

In this Ritual, we will blend the Solstice with the heart-opening properties of our Ritual Cacao.

Create a Sacred Space
This Ritual can be done indoor or outdoor, where ever you feel most comfortable. Ideally it is best done outside to connect directly with the sun, soak up the beautiful Solstice rays and fill up with vital vitamins and the sun's lifeforce energy.

If you choose to do it inside, find a quiet and comfortable space where you can connect with the Solstice energy. Clear the space with sage or palo santo, and set up an altar and add a candle in the middle to represent the sunlight.

Brew your Ritual Cacao
Slowly and mindfully prepare your Ritual Cacao, treating it as a sacred elixir. As you stir the cacao, infuse it with your loving energy and prepare yourself for drinking it. Feel the warmth of the cacao as a reflection of the sun's energy.

We recommend a maximum 42g dose to journey with, but you can experiment with dosage and figure out what works best for you the more you work with Cacao.


The Ritual:
Setting Intentions
Sit in front of your altar, or outside in the sunlight, and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Reflect on the energies of the solstice, how you are feeling at this present moment and what your needs are?

Set clear intentions for this Gemini New Moon/Solstice Ritual, such as

  • Embracing your inner radiance.

  • Naming specific people you would like to meet.

  • Visualising what you want to manifest.

  • Setting out your wish list for the next six months.

  • opening your heart to love.

  • Seeing a project coming to completion

  • Asking the Cacao Spirit for guidance on a particular issue or challenge

Drinking the Ritual Cacao
Once you feel ready, hold the warm cup of Cacao close to your heart, expressing gratitude for the journey you are about to embark on. Take slow, deliberate sips, savouring the rich flavours and allowing the Cacao to connect with your senses. As you drink, visualise the Cacao nourishing your body, mind, and spirit, opening your heart, and relaxing you so that you feel calm and peaceful.

Connecting with the Sun
Close your eyes feel the radiant sun above you. Feel its powerful energy permeating every cell of your being. Feel it's warm golden rays bathing you in light, permeating every cell of your body and igniting your inner radiance. Allow yourself to absorb this energy and feel a sense of empowerment and vitality.

If you are inside, light a candle to symbolise the sun's energy and invoke its warmth and illumination. Take a moment to express gratitude for the sun's life-giving energy and its presence in your life.

Sit in silence, allowing the cacao to deepen your connection with yourself and the sunlight and solstice energy. Embrace any insights, emotions, or sensations that arise. Journal or reflect on the ways in which you can cultivate and radiate your inner light in your daily life. Consider any changes or actions you are inspired to take.

Closing the Ceremony
Express gratitude for the transformative experience and the solstice energy that has guided your Ritual. Offer a final prayer or affirmation, expressing your intentions for continued growth and connection with your inner radiance.

Through intentional practices, such as setting clear intentions, connecting with the sun's energy, and drinking Ritual Cacao, you can deepen your relationship with yourself and the transformative energies of the solstice. May this ritual serve as a catalyst for your personal growth and illuminate your path.