Word For the Year Ritual

Sometimes around the New Year we give ourselves resolutions to stick to and set new challenges or projects to take on. While this approach can work for some, it can also be overwhelming or disappointing if we do not achieve instant results, or we break them very quickly into the new year.

Our Ritual for January, and for this New Year is a simple one. Think of just one word to focus on and try to embody it for 2023.

This will be your word of the year, so think about what would you like to do this year? Who would you like to become? What mindset do you wish to achieve?


You need to think carefully about what your chosen word is, so brew up your Ritual Cacao, create a quiet and comfortable space and onceyou are seated and comforatble…

  1. Drink your Ritual Cacao, inhaling the aroma as you take a sip, and ask Mama Cacao to guide you on your journey.

  2. Once you’ve finished your brew, stay seated or lie back and get comfortable, close your eyes and dive deep inwards to hear the messages that the Cacao Spirit has with you.

  3. Be honest with yourself and really think about your word of the year, as it will be a pivotal anchor in bringing in those changes.

  4. Think about the year that has gone. What were your struggles in 2022?

    • What went well?

    • What did you wish you’d done differently?

    • What do you want more of?

    • What do you want less of?

    • How do you feel right now?

  5. How do you want the coming year to feel? Remember, you can only pick one word! Abundant, Balance, Calm, Joyful, Purpose, Surrender, Truth, Wisdom… what words ring true for you? Now, cast your mind to the end of this year.

    • Where do you see yourself at the end of the year?

    • What do you want to accomplish over the next 12 months?

    • What do you want to focus on this year?

    • How do you want to feel by the end of the year?

  6. Once you’ve chosen a word that feels right for you, write it down in your note book, or a piece of paper that you will see regularly!

    Your year will unfold in a number of different ways, and your word will be ever present, guiding your choices and re-affirming the path that you desire and are destined for.

    Make this word your mantra and meditation for the year!