An Uplifting Cacao Ritual

Just as we stay physically healthy with a good diet and regular exercise, we also need to honour and take care of our mental health. Taking time out for spiritual practise and nature rituals like the one below reminds us that we are a part of this amazing planet, not apart from it.

When we start honouring our own natural rhythms and living in tune with the cosmos, our mental health automatically improves: we discover a sense of belonging with a bigger whole, we feel less lonely and isolated and we become more peaceful, harmonious and connected.

This ritual was designed as part of UK Mental Health Awareness Week 2022, which is taking place from 9 – 15 May on the theme of Loneliness, but it can be done at any time you feel isolated or need some time out. The ritual can be done alone or with your friends, family, children, colleagues or community.

What you’ll need

·       A flask or travel mug of ceremonial grade Ritual Cacao.

·       Your journal and pen.

·       A tree that is personally meaningful to you and that you can visit on a regular basis: this could be in your own garden or in a local park, public garden or nature reserve.


 When to do it

Having a sense of rhythm and following with the earth’s natural cycles can support our mental health in a number of ways. It gives us a dependable structure to organise our life around which can help us feel more grounded, centred and less chaotic.

For example, you could choose to do this ritual on every new or full moon as part of your personal self-care practise, or you could do it to mark the turning of the solstices and equinoxes.

By creating regular routines away from our stressful and chaotic world, we create sacred space to deeply listen to and nurture ourselves, as well as receive any guidance that wants to come through the cacao.

What to do

·       Set aside at least an hour for the ritual and commit to this period of self-care.

·       Prepare your Ritual Cacao ­– you may want to watch our short video here.

·       Try to turn off your phone so you won’t be disturbed for the duration of the ritual.

·       Mindfully approach your tree with love and gratitude. If it’s in a park or public garden and you need to walk there, listen to some calming music on the way so you can begin to slow down and tune in to yourself.

·       When you get to the tree, take some time to walk around it and notice its different colours and textures. See how it simultaneously roots down into the earth and reaches up into the sky.

·       Connect with the tree in whatever way feels right for you: for example, you could place your hands on the tree, send it some love and energy, or take your shoes and socks off and walk barefoot on the soil around it. If you do this, you can visualise any stress, anxiety or worries passing through the soles of your feet and into the earth for her to recycle.

·       Take a moment to thank the tree, and all the other trees it’s connected to through their invisible web of roots.

·       Sit at the base of the tree for as long as you feel comfortable. Slowly and mindfully drink your cacao, taking some time in silence to listen out for any messages the cacao or tree may have for you. Feel free to offer the tree a few drops of your cacao in love and gratitude.

·       After finishing your cacao, you could meditate for a while or write in your journal about everything in your life that you’re grateful for.

·       When you feel complete, thank the tree again, remembering that you can always come back and repeat this ritual as often as you need.


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