Cacao Beauty Ritual

This month, our founder Rebekah Shaman is turning 50 (yes, we can’t believe it either!), and she swears her youthful looks and outlook on life are down to her regular consumption of ceremonial-grade cacao.

Cacao is choc-full of beautifying properties, such as collagen-producing antioxidants and blood-boosting flavanols, which protect you from harmful UV rays, and can improve the hydration of your skin.

In our blogs, you’ll find lots of info about the health benefits of drinking cacao, but did you know it can also be used topically by adding it to face masks, scrubs and body butters?

In this simple ritual, you can take your love of cacao to the next level by incorporating it into your beauty routine.

Cacao Beauty Ritual

·       Wait till you have completed all your tasks for the day and you are in a calm and quiet place where you won’t be interrupted.

·       Create sacred space by burning some incense and playing some music that makes you feel peaceful and centred.

·       Prepare a simple exfoliating face mask using the basic recipe below:

-       30g grated Ritual Cacao

-       2 tablespoons coconut or jojoba oil

-       1 tablespoon of coconut sugar

·       You can experiment and personalise the recipe by adding things like honey, yoghurt, avocado and oatmeal or essential oils like rose and frankincense according to your preferences.

·       Mix the ingredients together and apply to clean, damp skin in a circular motion.

·       Leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes, during which time you can sit in meditation, tune into the Spirit of Cacao and ask for any guidance or messages.

·       Keep a notepad nearby so you can draw or write anything down.

·       When you feel complete, gently wash the mask off your face to reveal clean, smooth skin.

TOP TIP: If you don’t want to add sugar, use our Ritual Cacao Nibs instead. Just gind them in a blender, and add the carrier oil of your choice. Our nibs are packed with goodness, and great for our skin, our mood, and our health and wellbeing.

Use discount code SPRINGNIBS22 for your 30% discount on our Cacao Nibs.

 We’d love to see photos of your cacao face masks and beauty rituals: share them with us on Instagram @ritual_cacao