Conscious Parenting With Cacao


Parenting is undoubtedly one of life’s biggest adventures – often requiring a huge shift in lifestyle, relationships and priorities.

From struggling with sleep deprivation to endless multi-tasking and having your patience tested by toddlers, many parents find themselves suffering from stress, isolation and overwhelm.

And if you don’t have the support of a tribe or friends and family nearby, it can be particularly hard to know how to get help. Yet there are some small and simple changes parents can make at home to support themselves, and in this blog, we explore how ceremonial grade cacao can be a valuable tool in encouraging more conscious parenting.


Nourish yourself with every cup

When you become a parent, it’s more important than ever to look after your own health – yet ironically there’s even less time to do so. As one of the most beneficial superfoods on the planet, ceremonial grade cacao really packs a punch and is bursting with nutrition, containing more antioxidants than blueberries[1], more calcium than cow’s milk[2] and being the highest plant-based source of iron[3] – meaning you’re nourishing yourself with health and vitality with every cup you drink.

A gentle energy booster

Rather than relying on coffee to get through the day – and suffering from the caffeine crashes, jitters and mood swings which can have a negative impact on family life – many parents find that cacao provides a steady boost of energy that can be likened to the feeling of waking up after a good night’s sleep. Whilst cacao contains some caffeine, it’s far less than coffee: you don’t get the same nervous system ‘hit’ and it basically holds off fatigue in a far gentler way.

A natural mood enhancer

Ceremonial grade cacao triggers the release of mood-boosting serotonin and dopamine, important brain chemicals that help us remain positive and happy amidst the inevitable challenges that parenting can bring. It’s also a natural source of the bliss molecule anandamide, which enhances loving feelings and can help contribute to a happier and more harmonious family life.

Modelling self-care for our kids

When we take time out to care for ourselves, even through a few minutes of meditation or to prepare a nourishing mug of cacao, we send an important message to our children about prioritising their own well-being. By regularly modelling tools and practises that children can use to calm and centre themselves, we’re equipping them to be better balanced so that they’ll be able to handle whatever life throws at them.

A source of emotional support

Having kids can be an emotional rollercoaster – from feeling judged for our choices to comparing ourselves with other parents in the playground. Cacao contains theobromine, a vasodilator which increases blood flow and opens up pathways to the heart, which can help shift emotional blockages and pain and create greater self-love and self-acceptance. Cacao’s calming effects also enable us to slow down, become more self-aware and consciously choose how we respond to life’s emotional triggers, which not only creates a happier home but sets a great example for our kids too.


Parents, have you got your hands on this month’s Juno magazine?

Juno is a print and digital magazine, that offers a natural approach to family life. Inspiring, nurturing content to support you on your parenting journey. CLICK HERE to read their review of our Starter Pack in their self care section…

For more conscious parenting inspiration, check out Natasha Louise, she helps parents become the role models their kids really need and regularly runs cacao ceremonies.

If you’re ready to embark on your own journey of conscious parenting with cacao, check out the different options available in our shop.


Why Cacao Is Great For Your Gut!


Simple Cacao Snacks For Summer