5 Ways To Get Creative With Cacao

When you’re feeling creative, cacao is the perfect partner. Containing energy increasing theobromine to help us stay focused and in-flow, and triggering the release of serotonin and dopamine to calm our hearts and open our minds, cacao is a natural plant medicine that can enhance our creative ideas and visions ­– all without the peaks and crashes of caffeine. As spring does its thing, the days get longer and we find ourselves with more time and energy, here are 5 colourful ways you can get creative with cacao:

1.     Paint with it

Simply brew a batch of cacao, grab a paintbrush and pad and set your imagination free. If you feel a bit overwhelmed or aren’t sure where to start, check out our new online heART pod sessions with coffee artist Wil.I.Om, which combine cacao with art to inspire you to express yourself creatively and support your mental health and wellbeing.

2.     Cook with it

Adding cacao to your cooking can elevate dishes to restaurant quality – providing rich colour, adding complex flavours and creating velvety depth in savoury sauces, soups and stews. Cacao balances out the acidity from tomatoes, making it the perfect complement to dishes like Bolognese and chilli con (or sans) carne. It’s excellent in Mexican mole and salsa sauces too.

3.     Move with it

One beautiful way to create with cacao is to make a brew and let your body be the medium. After drinking your cup, put on your favourite tunes and then shake or move in whatever way feels good to you. Don’t worry about what you look like, simply let the cacao medicine move you from the inside out, creating new shapes and forms as you dance your stresses away.

4.     Make body care

Take your love of cacao to the next level by incorporating it into your beauty routine. Rich in antioxidants which promote the production of collagen and prevent prematurely ageing skin, cacao can be added to face masks, scrubs and body butters. Our founder Rebekah Shaman is turning 50 this month and swears that her youthful looks and outlook on life are down to cacao, so look out for the cacao beauty recipe we’ll be sharing in this month’s ritual! 

5.     Create a vision board

Whether you’re a Pinterest fanatic or prefer cutting images out of magazines, vision boards can be an important first step in manifesting our ideas, dreams and desires into the world. Drinking cacao enhances blood flow to the heart, opening it up so we can better hear its guidance and messages, and meaning our creations truly come from the heart.

Share your cacao creations with us on Instagram @ritual_cacao!

Looking for creative inspiration? There’s lots happening this month:

8 March: International Women’s Day

This year’s theme is #BreaktheBias with events and activities celebrating the work of women creatives. There’s a typography talent contest to get involved with too.

20 March: Spring Equinox

Equinox marks the beginning of spring and from this point onwards the days will be longer than the nights. Honour the turning of the year with a personal cacao ritual or create some astrological art.  

26 March: Earth Hour

Join millions of people around the world and switch off your lights in support of nature and the planet: the perfect opportunity to get creative with cacao by candlelight!


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